Se 4000 series model is microprocessor and architecture ensure simplicity in use, trouble-free performance, cost effectiveness and reliability. Flue Gas Monitor incorporates microprocessor touch screen controls which are fully menu driven. Stored data can be viewed or downloaded to a computer or printed out by an external printer. A built in pump draws flue-gas through the integrated temperature cum gas probe. The instrument works on an inbuilt rechargeable battery.
♦ Model Selection :- 4000-1235
♦ Here 4000 is a Model Number of system, 1235 is a gas used for measurement.
♦ In this 1235 means NO2, SO2, CO and O2 gas to be measured.
♦ Sensor Technology:- Electro chemical – E
The sampling sections use cost effective parts for maintenance, and offer a variety of sample gas conditions system,each suitable for a different kind of gas.
♦ Sample gas probe with easy-to-change filter element.
♦ An innovative dehumidifying system minimizes loss of soluble components.
♦ A mist catcher in the sample flow path remove SO3 and prevents damage and line blockage.