
Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS)

Online Stack Gas Monitoring System
Model : SE 4000 Series
For Measurment of :- 
SO2 , NOX , CO2, CO , O2 , NH3 , CL2 , HCL, HF, TOC/THC/VOC
♦ Steam boilers
♦ Iron and steel processing
♦ Refuse incinerators
♦ Electric power generation plants
♦ Sulfuric acid plants
♦ Glass furnaces
♦ Chemical Plants

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Se 4000 series Continuous Emissions Monitoring system can monitor gases, including SO2, NOx, O2, dust, humidity, temperature, pressure, flow parameters, etc. In addition, also can monitor gases for a particular occasion such as HCI, HF, CO, CO2, NH3, H2S, Cl2, VOC, etc.

Se 4000 series is a multi-gas monitoring system aimed to continuously and reliably measure emissions from various industrial combustions. Technology platforms either Extractive, Hot Extractive, Hot-Wet Extraction, Dilution or In-situ measurement system. The system is extendable with additional parameters upon request. All output signals proceed through the data acquisition system and then upload to the DCS or environmental authority server.

The system adopts a multi-gas analyzer to measure the concentration of SO, and NOx, by  Electrochemical, PID, NDIR, TDLAS (Laser), FID, UV-DOAS measurement technology.. The system also integrated internal maintenance and data process unit, which enables auto-calibration and online data transmission to minimize customer maintenance.


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